About Me

Parker, CO
I am an avid cyclist and mother of 2 fantastic girls and wife to Doug, another avid cyclist. Doug races competitively as well and we try to make it a family affair. I started riding road bikes 4 years ago and quickly determined that I had some talent on the bike. This led me to start racing and the rest is history. My love for road racing and competing had me working hard and in 3 short seasons, I worked my way from a cat 4 rider to a cat 1. I am now the team captain of a very successful race team, ColoBikeLaw!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thank you Bianchi!

In my "off season" from the road bike, I have decided that cross racing is fun, action packed and I am now addicted. My good friend Jonathan Lane from ColoBikeLaw has set me up with a sweet new ride for this season. It's a carbon Bianchi CX bike. It's gorgeous and I love it. I have never done the CX sport before, always wondering how people could love to get out and suffer going mock 10 with your hair on fire for 45 min.

However, I knew there must be something to this sport, or these people would not show up every week to do such heinous exercise. After attempting my first race in Colorado Springs with the 35+4 men, sludging through the mud, across barriers and having my lungs searing with pain at the end, I was hooked! This is a fun sport I decided! Where else can you get muddy, try to attack other racers as they are suffering up hills and charging past them whenever you feel a bit stronger than they appear.

A huge thank you to Bianchi for supporting me with a bike, what a treat! I will try my hardest to make it worth their while. My first outing on it today resulted in a flat tire on the 2nd lap, darn. I see why people run tubbies on CX bikes, off to the bike shop.......

Looking forward to Frisco race this weekend, I'll give it another try. Stay tuned for more updates.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gymnastics Season Has Started/ 1st meet

This was the first gymnastics meet for the girls. It was in Loveland with Premier Gymnastics. This was a first for both girls. Erin's first meet as a level 4 and Meghan's first meet as a level 5. Both girls did great, after getting the nervous energy out, they both rocked on their performances. Erin qualified for State Finals and it was her first time out. Megan's level 5 routines are much harder this year, she was a trouper and did a great job. A few miss fortunes kept her from qualifying. Those darn beams, who decided you should do tricks on a 4" piece of wood covered in material? I was so proud of them both. Looking forward to the next meet in a few weeks.